Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, part 2

Now that you have observed all these characters (McMurphy, Chief, Harding, Bibbitt, Martini, Cheswick, and Taber) a little, tell me if you think they have a mental illness. I know we are not ready to label them something specific, but we can describe their behavior and decide if they need psychiatric treatment. So go ahead and describe their problems, if any.

Post by Wednesday, May13.


  1. By observing these characters, i do believe that they need still a little treatment but really all they need it someone to interact with. As McMurphy talks with them and interacts with them, they seem to show their inner side out. For example, once McMurphy takes them fishing, they all seem to just come together as a group and have fun like anyone else would. I believe that being kept up in the insane place, takes away from their personality and who they really are. I also agree too that they should still be treated but they need to show their own side of them, to have confidence as to who they are as well.

  2. After watching a good portion of this movie, I have realized that some of the characters probably aren't mentally ill. McMurphy especially seems fine. He does not exhibit any craziness to me, he just is a bit of a trouble maker. The fact that McMurphy takes the other guys out fishing shows that he does have a good heart and wants them to have fun and get out and enjoy life. Even if McMurphy is labeled as "dangerous" I do not think he should be in a mental hospital. Cheif seems to have a few social anxiety behaviors, because he doesn't talk, but i would hardly call him psycho. When playing basketball, he is happy that he helps the team and actually prances around the court. Billy as well has many speech impediments, however he isn't crazy. I think a bunch of the characters definetly need therapy, and that is why they volunteer themselves into the ward, but really, they just need friendships and life skills. Instead of being judged as different or stupid by outsiders, they come to live in peace at the hospitol.

  3. Kyoko

    I believe some of these characters need help, but I wouldn't say that they are 'crazy'. Some seem to be insecure and easily upset.

    I agree with Jessica, I believe that they need a sort of therapy that would allow them to interact with someone while allowing them to see who they are. With the nurse, they are not allowed to be who they are by pressuring them into talking about their personal issues.

    McMurphy has an effect on these characters so they can interact and be who they want to be. It is interesting to watch the relationship between him and the other characters, as well as the struggle between McMurphy and the nurse.

  4. dave
    i think that most of these people do not have mental illnesses because when McMurphy took them to go fishing they were perfectly fine. they were just a little confused and always interested in other people for example when McMurphy took the girl into the room alone. if anyone i think Martini would be the one to have a mental illness because of his actions of being a 3 year old. Chief just has some social problems because i think he can hear very well just choses not to answer or act on anything. Cheswick i think is just nervous to be alone because when everyone left him at the card game and when he was driving the boat and no one was behind him. i think many of them do not have mental illnesses

  5. Yea The characters clearly have a little something wrong with them other than McMurphy of course. I do believe however that they are controlled to the point where they can't fully express themselves the way that they would like to. This very reason is the reason why I think they tend to act like "babies" and haven't come to their senses quite yet. I do believe they will though as the movie progresses.

  6. By observing these people's problems, I do think that there is something wrong with them, but I do not believe it is mental illness. I think these people just have very low self-esteem. I think they are in the mental hospital, because they do not want to handle the pressures of the outside world. The fishing trip showed me that they can all function fine as a team. I think that these guys just need friends and some one to talk to, and then they would be fine.

  7. After seeing all of these characters, I really dont believe that any of them actually have a mental illness(insane, crazy, etc.). They all seem to be just like people you would see on the street or work with. Chezwick however, seems to be possibly mentally handicapped at the most and a little bit of a woman but other than that, a few other characters seem to also be a bit mentally handicapped or just normal with a speech impetament or something. I work with a guy who talks just like Billy does but he's not insane or crazy at all. And McMurphy deffinately is not insane. He may be crazy but not in the sence where he needs to be in "the loony bin" like someone who is indeed clinically insane. He's just the kind of person who would do things to get a laugh or attention or to prove a point. Personally, I dont think any of them are insane or actually crazy. Most of them are even allowed to leave, theyre just voluntary but they never leave. I think this is becuase Nurse Ratched has gotten all of them to think that they are actually insane and out of their minds, so they all stay to try and get help with it. But other than the main characters, most of the other people you see walking around or signing to themselves seem to be a bit insane. Cheif, on the other hand, seems to be the farthest away from insane or crazy thatn any of them. He even seems more sane than McMurphy, in my opinion.

  8. In my opinion the only people who i would say need alittle help are Bibbitt, Martini, Cheswick and Taber. I think Bibbit is in control of himself and most of the time knows what he's talking about but it's hard for him to be confident and be an individual. Martini is very easily distracted and likes to know about everything that is going on with everybody when he should worry about himself. He also finds it very hard to understand simple instructions, for example he couldn't understand the comcept of a cigarrete only being worth a dime when even a little kid would be able to understand. Cheswick is very emotional and is when he speaks he seems afraid to speak his mind. He's not very confident with himself at all and that's a gig problem he night need to get help on. Taber is seems very agressive. I think he's the one that might actually need the most help because he tends to start arguments with people when he has nothing to do it. They each definately have different personalities but in my opinion are afraid to come out and show who they really are on the inside because they're secluded from the world.
    McMurphy, Chief and Harding in my opinion are the only ones who dont seem to need any help. McMurphy is totally aware of everything he's doing and doesnt seem to be confused about who he really is or what he wants. Chief on the other hand doesn't talk at all or cause any trouble so i dont think he has any problems but he might just be there because he wants to be away from the real world. Harding i think is completely okay because he is able to reason through his problems fine without any trouble, and is able to stick up for himself and what he believes in.

  9. I believe that some of the characters in fact need treathment but some of them seem completely fine. Obviously, McMurphy is fine, I believe he was infact faking it where he was getting out of jail time by going to the mental hospital becuase he doesnt exibit any real signs of mental illness just really bad behavior.

    Chief, I also believe that he didnt belong there because it almost seemed like he had nothing wrong with him, he just didnt stand up for himself or feel comfident, probably do to the lack of his father being there for him. when he talked about his father being a drunk, right before he drank with the rest of the patients, it kind of gave an insight where I feel it hints at the fact he may have been afraid to become like his father and it drove him mad.

    Everyone else however I did find unstable, none of them seemed to be comfident in themselves or controlling of themselves to live in society as a regular member. Up until the end of the movie i would have considered Billy being mentally well also, just that he had a problem with speaking and comfidence. however after being afraid of what his mother would think of him sleeping with a woman making him kill himself proved my beliefs wrong that he wouldnt be fit due to he was unstable.

  10. Nick
    I believe that all of the characters of the movie including Mcmurphy have some sort of mental illness. Although some of the illnesses could easily be solved with proper treatment they are actually made worse by the stressfulness of nurse ratched. I believe that although Mcmurphy is not as baddly ill as some of the characters in the movie i still believe that he has problems because on occation the throughout the movie he talks to the rest of the people as if he is one of them and starts to get comfortable with each of their different type of "crazy" which proves that he has someting wrong with him.

  11. The characters that I believe have problems are Martini and Cheswick. These two characters seem like they cannot function on their own. Martini specifically has a problem because he has very childlike actions. Cheswick just seems too reliant on the nurses. He is very upset by many of the other characters. This may be showing a caring feeling, however it shows that he can't focus on himself.

  12. After watching I believe that many of these patents are not mentally ill. McMurphy does not belong in a mental institution at all. He is labeled to be dangerous but I don’t know if I agree with that label either. He generally has a good heart. He takes the other patients out on a fishing trip so they can try to enjoy life just like everyone else in the world instead of being cooped up in that mental ward 24/7. As for the other patients I believe some of them really are mentally ill but not necessarily severally. Many of them I think are just afraid of the outside world and going on with life. Some of them may belong in a mental institution though. Such as Billy. Billy has many problems such as being suicidal but I think that could be fixed by seeing a therapist. But since he may harm himself, he belongs in a mental institution so he can be watched.

  13. I do believe that all the characters have a slight mental "illness". However, with McMurphy I don't see how people can say he needs to belong in a mental institution. In my opinion, he clearly just understands what is happening around him and knows how to deal with certain situations. He may be immature and selfish at times but to say he should remain in a mental hospital is just crazy. The other characters in my opinion do have mental issues and should indeed be hospitalized. The main issue that I see with these characters is their level of self esteem and maturity. I feel as though if they had someone to talk to or even a friend to look up to they wouldn't be so depressed and struggle with insecurity.

  14. McMurphy---no mental illness. he doesnt belong in a mental institutionbut he is a threat to society. He belongs in a different type of institution.
    Chief------no mental illness. I feel he just has a social disorder. He does need help, just not what is offered under Nurse Ratched.
    Bily------has a speech impediment but isnt metally ill. he needs to build confidence and settle his nerves. once he does so, he will be looked at no differently then everyone else.

  15. I feel as though McMurphy does not have a mental illness, but should be instatutionalized since he is a danger to society. I feel as though Chief does have a mental illness and should be instatutionalized as well. Billy is clearly mentally ill and needs help where he is. That goes for Harding, Cheswick and the rest of the guys as well because they are all mentally ill in my eyes because of the way they act and their lack of responsibility. In addition, i feel as though they act so immature and aren't making any progress thanks to Nurse Ratched and if they received real help they would be better off.

  16. i believe that these patients may have samll problems but not substatial for extremem treatmwent. For example billy bibbit have a problem of self conciousness that can easily be overcome without any psychiatric help. And macmurphy, he isnt insane, theres nothing wrong with the guy. He is jusy very outgoing and likes to have fun. if anything these guys are just big babies looking for attention.

  17. Mcmurphy- I believe mcmurphy was anti social, always had to go against someone elses word, and had to disobey higher authority. Aswell as the fact that when we find out mcmurphy had relations with a 15 year old girl, i belive he needs to be either in jail or institutionalized.

    Chief- I believe chief suffers from post traumatic depression, in the sense of his fathers drinking in the past and he pays for it now with the constant memory of it in trying to live his everyday life, and staying silent to all. I dont believe chief shouldve been insitutionalized i believe he just had short instinces where he may have a flash back and remember something he hated to see but all in all i think he could deal with that stress and depression on his own.

    Harding- i believe harding had a case of paranoid personality, he was constantly in worry of his wife cheating or being unfaithful to him. I think he did not beong in the institution because he had a general grasp on reality but worried often, i believe he shouldve attempted to confront his wife to possibly get rid of his worry.

    Bibbitt- i believe billy was mentally ill in the sense of his fear of his mother. Thats a true childhood issue so much to the point where as a grown adult he was still in completee fear of his mother in any scenerio to the point where he killed himself. I do believe he belonged institutionalized because if something so little as the menton of his mother makes him kill himself he needed to be watched on a close eye.

    Martini- i believe martini was where he belonged in the institution he didnt have a great grasp on reality and never really seemed to know what was going on all to often.

    Cheswick- i believe cheswick was where he shouldve been aswell, he constantly had short outbursts if he didnt get his way, like a child. I believe he needed to be supervised.

    Taber- i believe taber belonged in the instution because he was almost like a mini mcmurphy in the sense that he lived for thrill and tried always going against the rules.
