Friday, May 15, 2009

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the END!!

Sorry about forgetting to creating a post for yesterday. I know you all missed it!

React to the end of the movie. Did you like/dislike the ending? Give reasons! How would you change the ending if you could?

Have fun!

Post by Tuesday, May 19.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Go to and click on "listen now."

This is approximately 22 minutes long and is a fascinating (also somewhat disconcerting and disturbing) story of a man who was lobotomized as a child. When done, post your thoughts on the procedure. However be sure to carefully listen to the parts of the story when Howard Dully talks to people who felt the procedure had benefits.

Post response by Friday, May 15 for the extra credit!

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, part 2

Now that you have observed all these characters (McMurphy, Chief, Harding, Bibbitt, Martini, Cheswick, and Taber) a little, tell me if you think they have a mental illness. I know we are not ready to label them something specific, but we can describe their behavior and decide if they need psychiatric treatment. So go ahead and describe their problems, if any.

Post by Wednesday, May13.

Monday, May 11, 2009

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, part 1

Ok, now that you have seen the first "group session" run by Nurse Ratched, comment on the treatment methodology. Based on what you know about on a number of personality theories, does it make sense to use a group setting to help people confront and overcome their problems? What good, if any, could come from Nurse Ratched's "treatment?"

Post blog by Tuesday, May 12

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Reading, p. 205-220

After reading about Operant Conditioning, do the following two things:

1. Ask B.F. Skinner 2 questions concerning Operant Conditioning. They can be philosophical in nature or they can be for clarification of something you do not understand.

2. Briefly explain the essential difference between operant and classical conditioning.

Blog is due by Tuesday, April 28.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reading, p. 186-196

This section tells us the dynamics involved in Pavlov's accidental discovery of Classical Conditioning. Do you believe an understanding of this phenomena gives us insight into certain human behaviors? Which ones? Predict how this concept can be applied to humans.

Response due Wednesday, April 22.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jung v. Erikson

We may not have able to cover any of Erikson's theory but we will shortly. However, based on the text reading, compare Jung to Erikson and decide which one makes more sense. Be sure to give supporting evidence to justify your choice.

Post response by Tuesday, March 24.